
Upcoming Events

No upcoming events at the moment, please check back regularly.

Community Calls

Community Calls are our longest running offering -- an opportunity and space for our virtual community to come together to get to know each other and to have companionship in our experiences as POC NVC practitioners. We may share our experiences being in mostly white middle-class NVC spaces and events, creating NVC-related content, going through CNVC Certification; or celebrate some of our own milestones in integrating NVC. We figure out collectively how to prioritize the different topics people bring, with an overall focus on connection and mutual support.

These calls are open to anyone from anywhere in the world, who identifies as a person of colour* and is active in NVC spaces or actively sharing NVC. The calls are 90 minutes twice per month via Zoom, usually facilitated by either Leonie or Uma, and there is no fee to attend. To join, send an email to Leonie and Uma at, to share why you would like to join the call.

Courses and Practice Groups

We're creating spaces for learning nonviolence and NVC that:

(1) center and focus on POC experiences directly and include the time and space necessary to unpack related complexities;

(2) bring sensitivity, awareness and care for the the depth of pain, rage, or confusion related to impacts of privilege and oppression;

(3) acknowledge the differences -- different challenges, benefits and risks -- of how to respond to situations from a particular social location or particular position in a power-relationship;

(4) focus on NVC as a tool for liberation and healing in a context of overlapping social systems and potential personal, group, and trans-generational trauma.

​We offer courses and practice groups from beginner to advanced. Subscribe to our email list to hear about new offerings


Open Call

This series of live discussion panels gives voice to POC experiences learning and applying NVC and in NVC spaces. We also explore topics of interest to us that deepen the conversation about how actively applying NVC practice and consciousness can transform patterns of privilege and oppression.

Topics include things like Decolonizing NVC, Growing Active Solidarity, and Unrooting Internalized Oppression. Fascinating!​

See our Upcoming Events page to register for each panel event.

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